Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Group Discussion - DO's and DON'Ts

Hi all,

            Group Discussion is an important process of recruitment. It tests the communication skills, leadership skills, knowledge and power of expression of a candidate.

             G.D, as it is abbreviated, is not a cake walk. Many of us would be aware of the major DO's and DON'Ts but there are few very important points that are rarely taught and unnoticed by many. 

              If you follow these rarely told points you will make a mark, get more points and your chance of being selected is high.


 1)   Eye contact.

The most important non verbal part of communication. When you are talking, look at EVERYONE in your batch. Don’t miss a single person.

 2)   Introduction.

Introduce yourself and the topic briefly before shooting your points. Don’t start with the content before introducing.  The organization is not looking for a dictionary or a directory. They are looking for a human.

3) Body Language and Voice Modulation.

           When you speak you express just 20% through words, the remaining 80% is delivered through Body Language and Voice Modulation. Huge proportion… isn’t it?  So concentrate more on your non verbal part of communication

NOTES: Generally if there is a table in between the batch, it is usually high enough to hide your gestures. Make sure your gestures are visible to your batchmates.

4) Nod your head.

When your batchmate is talking, do have an eye contact with him and nod your head gently. This will earn you points and an evident for your Listening Skills.

5) Sit comfortably.

Don’t sit at the corner of the chair with arms unresting. It’s a Group Discussion, not a horror film or a nail biting match. Occupy your chair completely.

6) Speak with enthusiasm and impact.

Impress everyone.


1)        Don’t look at the jury.

If you keep looking at the person evaluating you, it indicates you feel insecure. Not a good message to the recruiter.

 2) Fidgeting restricted.

None likes it. It indicates the doer is neither confident nor concentrating. Mind your hand.
3) Don’t tap your leg.

You are not in a dance floor. No matter how excited (read nervous) you are don’t tap your leg.

4) Don’t cross your hands.

You cannot express through your body and will be unable to express the 80% of your content.

5)  Never use fillers between sentences.

You know well you should not but you might do this. Never use “hmmm…”, “ahh..” or whatever noise you can make. NEVER.   

Follow these points and let success follow you. 

If you have valuable points to share, kindly share your views in comments.